Monday, January 6, 2014

Do You Really Want A Thigh Gap?

     A lot of people make resolutions on New Year's to lose weight. In reality only 8% succeed! A lousy 8%! Be one of those 8%! Use whatever it takes to motivate you! I use pinterest. Looking at pins like workout pins, motivational pins, and healthy food pins motivates me enough to try harder, to get healthier.

     In today's world, people set unrealistic goals for themselves. Women on magazines affect a lot of women's self esteem. If they only knew how much the magazine was airbrushed, they probably wouldn't be worried at all. They airbrush them to look skinnier or even curvier than possible. I am not saying it's okay to be fat, what I am saying it is dangerous to be skinny like them.

     Now, there is a trend for a thigh gap. At first I was like "Cool! I want one of those so when I walk my thighs won't rub!" {I hate when my thighs rub} but then I saw a pin {on pinterest haha} on how a thigh gap is almost impossible for all women's body types. {A thigh gap is where you stand with your feet together and your thighs don't touch.} To get a thigh gap, you have to have really wide hips and be really skinny.  You also have to basically starve yourself to get a thigh gap.

     Our concept of healthy is not what it should be. Media definitely influences our thoughts. The other day I saw something about a plus size Barbie.{I don't think they are actually going to make one, I don't really remember} We do not need little girls thinking it's okay to be fat! It's not all about looking good, it's more about health. When you eat healthy and exercise, being skinny is a result. When you eat junk and don't exercise, being fat is the result. If you are overweight, no problem! I am, too! We need to eat healthier this year, exercise more, and get a good visualization for a healthy body image to reach our goals.
Here is the thigh gap infographic: from  Check them out!

Do you want a thigh gap
Pin It!

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